Thursday, January 17, 2008

Which one is better?

I am currently involved in a swap and I need to decide which card is better. I really like the first one, but am wondering if it's too plain for a swap? (although cutting out that center part was no picnic!)
The second card is wheeled on vellum.
The third card has lots of cut out flowers and dimensionals.
So, which card...1, 2 or 3? Please indicate 1, 2 or 3 in your post.


mudmaven said...

I really like the middle one. They are all very nice, but for some reason the one in the middle just seems so elegant and warm. Maybe it's the soft color. TFS ~chris

Karen said...

I love #3. It is beautiful

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

My vote is for #3!!! I like the white & black, and the sentiment... looks good!

Emily said...

They are all beautiful! I think the third is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I like them all, hard to pick between #2 and #3 bu think I like #3 the best.

Lauren said...

The middle one is my favorite! They are all so elegant though.

Alhambra Club said...

#2 is my favorite.

Renée said...

They are all beautiful, but I have to say I am mostly drawn to #2!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Definitely the middle one but they all are nice.


Anonymous said...

I love #3! They are all gorgeous (of course) but 3 is my absolute FAVE.

Corie said...

I know this will not be any help, but I LOVE them all!!! If I had to choose I would coose #3.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, I like all 3 but no 3 is by far mu fave!

Crafty Connie said...

OMGosh Michelle!
Not fair to ask us to choose. They are all awesome and beautiful. I am sure that each one has it's assembly challenges and therefore I am going to say #3 because I think it would be less time intensive. It's probably the one that is the hardest, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Freakin love them all!!! (To quote the Karen) I didn't read the other comments first but I like #3 the best! Did I order that one? You are such a terrible enabler :) :)

Risa said...

Hi Michelle!
All three cards are pretty but I like #3 the best!

Anonymous said...

I like all of them but #3 is my favorite.

Michelle B said...

I like all three alot, but must say I like the second one the best.


Stevie said...

# 2 does it for me!

Anonymous said...

I love #2. That's my choice.

Kathie Bailey said...

They're all wonderful Michelle, but #2 is my fav.

Hey Hey Paula said...

I like them all but I think #2 is my favorite.

Theresa said...

You sure didn't make our decision easy!!! For what it is worth, I'm first pick would be the 2nd one but who wouldn't love receiving any of them!!!

Little C's Creations said...

dang! either way, you're going to be working your butt off with these swaps. They are all gorgeous....but if I'd had to choose - and this is not based on which one I like BETTER - cause I like them all... I am choosing them based on "which one would look awesome, and don't drive me nutz" - would be card #2. Cause girl... all that cutting!! =0) Well, good luck on which one you decide to go with. Don't forget to let us know.


Leena said...

Wow!! That's a tough choice Michelle!! I love all three but I'm loving the #3 best!!

Melissa said...

I like all of them but if I had to choose just one, it would be number 3.

Many Blessings,

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love #3

Unknown said...

Is that 2nd card river rock? I am not a fan of that color but I love the design of that one. But hands down, #3 is the best.

CeeCee said...

Hmmm, all three are beautiful but #3 does it for me. Beautiful work, Michelle.

Anonymous said...

#2 is my favorite :)
Thanks for coming up and stamping with me!!

Sam said...

Arrrghhh....2 I *think* or 3 .... or 1!!

No ~2 it is!!

(though I do really like the middle "&" bit on the first one!!)

All are beautifully stamped ;-)

Anonymous said...

I really like all three, but if you held a gun to my head and I just had to pick one, it would be the one on the bottom. I love how you've popped off the flowers next to the sentiment. Good job!

momma2jbsm said...

I love, love, love #2! :o)

Julie Carriere Orleans ON Canada said...

#2 is my pick, but I'd do it in B&W only.

Samantha said...

I really like them all, but if I had to choose, I would pick #2. It's very pretty!

Lisa T said...

They are all great, but if I have to pick just one, I'd pick #3 as my favorite.

Greta Adams said...

i like 3..all are fab but 3 is shining right now

Sharon (notimetostamp) said...

I love them all -- they are just gorgeous -- but there is just something about the one in the middle -- really love that one!!! I know, I'm late, but just wanted to tell you -- they are all truly wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

In order of preference: 3,2,1. They are very nice cards.