Sunday, November 18, 2007

If I had a thousand dollars...

I have been tagged by Sam.

1. If you could have 100.00 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose?
I would choose embellies!
-We R memory keepers Whipe Out rub-ons
-chipboard books
-SU jumbo eyelets
-Maya Road ribbon
-silver and black brads

2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or rubons, which would you choose?
Oh, stamps! I just bought myself the Gelatins Retro Snowflakes!

3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts but could only do one for a whole year, which would you do?
CARDS! I love making'em!

4. Would you rather own a scrap booking store or have your own scrapping room at home (can’t have both hee hee).
My own room!

5. What is your CURRENT card making or scrapping style?
I am really enjoying "clustering" my photos. Is that a style? Otherwise I am definitely linear!

I am supposed to TAG 5 other people but most of my blog buddies have been TAGGED, if you want to play, consider yourself TAGGED!


Anonymous said...

Hi MIchelle! I'll be tagged by you! I can be a new buddy!!! :) Carolynn

Sam said...

Is that a hint at a Christmas list there in #1?? lol